2023.1.13 - 2.10

Natural Compositions
Installation >>
Venue: nca | nichido contemporary art
Date: 1/13 (Fri.) – 2/10 (Fri.), 2023
Gallery hours: Tue. – Sat. 11:00 – 19:00 (Closed on Sun., Mon., and National Holiday)
Exhibiting Artists: Pin-Ling Huang / Kazuya Sakamoto
nca | nichido contemporary art is pleased to present Natural Compositions, a Two-Person Exhibition featuring the work of artists Pin-Ling Huang and Kazuya Sakamoto.
Pin-Ling Huang’s landscapes breathe life into new worlds that take shape directly from the many sketches and studies the artist records in her sketchbook. Creating a spatial structure that floats under the fluid brushstrokes and layers of thick paint, Huang’s imagery continues to unfold new visual possibilities following the viewer’s stance and perspective while walking the line between representation and abstraction. Backbone of her expressive language is the artist’s everyday life which she blends with her personal experiences and the memories she made during her journeys. It seems as if Huang’s work keeps on overcoming the tendency to fall into fixed patterns by exposing those elements minutely constellating the painted surface rather than simply recreating representations of landscapes, and brings to life new scenery or more specifically scenery from the future that, while imaginary, seem to evoke emotions of nostalgia.
Plants have been the object of Kazuya Sakamoto’s work ever since, growing and observing waterweeds as one of his hobbies, he took notice of the similarities that exist between such ecosystems and human societies.
In his paintings Sakamoto seems to be capturing the variety of plants, at times minutely represented down to the last detail, at others depicted as the result of an extemporaneous touch, creating intricated, layered patterns in a plurality of colors, throughout their evolutionary process which is when plants undergo periodical changes in order to survive.
The surface, built through a harmonious blend of colors where, nevertheless, each hue strongly manifests its presence, radiates energy and vitality that coexist in perfect balance.
The exhibition focuses on the work of two artists who have been observing the relation between nature and humans, looking at both history and the present while interfacing with their own environment, and explores new possibilities and perspectives that could get us closer to a better future, finding answers to the problems that have been affecting the world we live in.
Both artists present new works on this occasion.
Pin-Ling Huang
Born in 1986, Hsin-Chu Taiwan. Huang graduated from DNSAP L’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2014, and currently lives and works in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, where she carries on with her artistic practice. As of November 2022, she has been taking part in Koganecho’s Artist Residency and will reside in Japan for one year.
Main Solo Shows: “Paysages en Mouvance / Pensées Figées “, galerie nichido Taipei (2022), “Dreams Rise From the River Surface", nca | nichido contemporary art, Tokyo (2021), “Unknown Road”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (2019), Main Group Shows: "Sound Talks: Local Soundscape Collecting Project", Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei (2021) “A Place of One's Own” JuMing Museum Taipei (2016), “What Are We Mapping”, The Pier-2 Art center, Kaohsiung (2014), “Melting Potes! 2013”, Musee du Montparnasse, Paris (2013), “The Islands of The Day Before”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan (2013), and others.
Kazuya Sakamoto
Born in 1985, Tottori, Japan. Sakamoto studied painting at Nagoya University of Art, Aichi and was selected for the Agency for Cultural Affairs Program of Overseas Study in Taipei where he lived for one year, from 2017 to 2018. He is currently based in the city of Yonago, Tottori where he carries on his artistic practice.
Main Solo Shows: ”Spring ephemeral”, nca | nichido contemporary art, Tokyo(2020),” Symbiosis” / galerie nichido Taipei、Taipei, (2018), “Landscape gardening”, Yonago City Museum of Art (2017). Main Group Shows: "young okazaki vol.2 ", MtK Contemporary Art, Kyoto (2022), ”Next World - Taguchi Art Collection x Iwaki City Art Museum”, Iwaki City Art Museum, Iwaki (2021), “Identity XIII - Je t'aime… moi non plus ―curated by Daisuke Miyatsu―” , nca | nichido contemporary art, Tokyo (2017), “Some Like It Witty”, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong (2014), and others.