2008 11.27 - 12.20

Installation >>
Janaina Tschape " Moon Blossom "
Place:nca | nichido contemporary art
Date:27th November - 20th december 2008
Gallery hours:Tue - Sat 11:00 - 19:00 (Closed on Sun, Mon and National holidays)
Artist reception:27th November 18:00 - 20:00
Support: Brazil Embassy
nca | nichdo contemporary art is pleased to present German-Brazilian artist, Janaina Tschape’s third solo show at nca | nichido contemporary art, in Tokyo. The exhibition titled “Moon Blossom” consists of 4 paintings which have been exhibited at IMMA (Irish Museum of Contemporary Art ) in June 2008 along with drawings and large scale painting which are made specifically for this show.
Janaina Tschape's paintings are always in a state of necessity. That is to say in a state of their own becoming. Tschape's paintings are systems of palimpsests; each brush stroke; a materially emphatic note, partially occludes a previous mark. This way forms are built and the colors orchestrated through accumulation upon accumulation.
All of Tschape's works -- drawings, sculptures, video/film and photography as well as paintings explore themes of the body and landscape, sex, death, renewal and transformation. Without directly illustrating them Tschape's paintings embody these themes. Her physically sensuous surfaces give way to topologies of finely calibrated hues. Tschape's paintings create the sensation of being under water or wrapped up in diaphanous cloaks, but the paintings' sensations and readings are never stable. The paintings all have a density bordering on humidity that gives each one its sense of rightness, but it is easy to wonder if a Tschape painting is finished. It is through this question that Tschape articulates that painting isn't so much a thing, but a thing becoming itself.
Jim Hyde
Artist short biography
Tschape was born on 1973 in Munich, Germany and was raised in Sao Paolo, Brazil. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Hochschule fur Bilende Kuenste, Hamburg and her Master in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts, New York. Tschape’s work has been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout the world including New York, Tokyo, Sao Paolo, London, Madrid, Paris and Berlin. Recent projects include Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Paco das Artes, Sao Paulo, Jeu de Paume, Paris, Wexner Center for the Arts in Ohio, University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, The 59th Minute with Creative Time in Times Square, New York, the Centre d’Art a Albi, Tolouse, the Fotomuseum, Winthethur, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Kunstmuseen Krefeld, and Kasama Nichido Museum of the Arts.