Art Collaboration Kyoto

Art Collaboration Kyoto

2024.11.1 - 11.3

Press Release

nca | nichido contemporary art × Mind Set Art Center
Booth: GC17

Busui Ajaw | Chihhung Liu | Shinji Ohmaki | Rao Fu
*Public Program
Curated by André Chan and Chong Chin-Yin
Maria Nepomuceno

nca | nichido contemporary art (nca) and Mind Set Art Center (MSAC) engage in a conversation with nature exploring how we as a contemporary society interact with it by presenting the work of 4 artists, namely Busui Ajaw (born in Myanmar; currently lives in Chiang Rai, Thailand), Shinji Ohmaki (born in Gifu, Japan; currently lives in Tokyo, Japan), Rao Fu (born in Shanghai. China; currently lives in Dresden, Germany), and Chihhung Liu (born in Hsinchu, Taiwan; currently lives in Taipei, Taiwan).
Through their work, these artists have been looking at human societies, nature and familiar events, each from their own unique perspective, at times with a pinch of humor, while carrying on research both at home and abroad.
Addressing the diverse and complex issues of our time brought about by globalization – radical changes to the fabric of societies, political turmoil, and climate change to name a few – they have been giving visibility to those aspects we may end up overlooking or that may stay, otherwise, invisible providing us with the chance to look at them from a renewed perspective.
The exhibition presents new works made especially for ACK which includes paintings by Busui Ajaw and Rao Fu, sculptures by Shinji Ohmaki and both paintings and sculptures by Chihhung Liu.

Art Collaboration Kyoto

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